I found these on BHG.com and #1 is THE most essential (in my book...ask Jay) for creating a welcoming, cozy environment. Read on!1.) Good LightingThe most important thing of all is lighting. It should come from lamps, not overhead. So many people forget about it or don't realize the significance of it. Warm, cozy lighting on a dimmer -- always. --Laura Hunt, laurahuntdesign.com
2.) Smart Side TablesYou wouldn't think of side tables as adding comfort, but they do, because they give everyone in a room a place to put their drink. I think coasters make people feel comfortable, too, because they not only say stay and have a drink, but they remove the worry from guests of wondering if it's safe to put down a glass.--Grant K. Gibson; grantkgibson.com
3.) Room for AllI can't life without my kitchen farm table. The table has two built-in drawers, one for flatware and one for napkins, so casual entertaining is a no-hassle event.--Annette Joseph, ajphotostylist.net
4.) Inviting SeatingEveryone needs a super-cozy chair or chaise that hugs you when you sit on it. A pretty chair is not necessarily a comfortable chair, so a "me" chair is a must.--Jonathan Ranchman, fleurtstyle.com
5.) Piles of PillowsI love pillows, generously scaled, plump, full pillows. On a bed, in a chair, perched on a sofa -- I think beautifully finished pillows add a coziness that's easy to layer into a space at little cost.-- Patrice Cowan Bevans, pcbinteriors.com
6.) Plush BeddingI would be in such dread without my down comforter with Egyptian cotton duvet. Not only does it look fabulous, but it keeps me so warm and cozy.--Nadia Geller, nadiageller.com
7.) Versatile SeatingComfort is all about practicality to me. I love to have extra floor pillows in a room. You can store them in a trunk, but it's nice to use them for extra seating or stacked as a foot rest.--Jonathan Rachman, fleurtstyle.com
8.) Window TreatmentsThe addition of beautifully finished drapes or shades are to a room what a great handbag is to someone's day-to-day dressing: You can certainly function without them, but once you have them, you wonder how you lived without.--Patrice Cowan Bevans, pcbinteriors.com
9.) Pretty FlowersI think flowers make a room feel more comfortable. I'm not talking about big fancy bouquets, but a single peony or rose in a teacup, or fresh herbs in a wine tumbler -- anything that adds fragrance.--Grant K. Gibson; grantkgibson.com
10.) Treasured AccentsComfort is surrounding yourself with special things. I love to collect things in a room. This separates a merely decorated room from a fantastic one.--Annette Joseph, ajphotostylist.net